Chapter 13 Footnotes

13.1 Setup of Apache Arrow

It is worth noting that the implementation of Apache Arrow into R arrived on CRAN early August 2019, which means at the time of writing of the relevant chapter it was on CRAN about 3 weeks. The functionality also depends on the Arrow C++ library, so installation is a bit more difficult than with some other R packages.

Care should also be taken with regards to the capability of the C++ library, the arrow R package version and the version of sparklyr. We had good results with using the R package arrow version 0.14.1, sparklyr 1.0.2 and the 0.14.1 version of the C++ libraries. Care should also be taken with regards to the capability of the C++ library, the arrow R package version and the version of sparklyr. We had good results with using the R package arrow version 0.14.1, sparklyr 1.0.2 and the 0.14.1 version of the C++ libraries.

The aforementioned Docker image has both the C++ libraries and the R arrow package available for use.